Instructors play a critical role in ensuring that academically honest behavior is rewarded and fostered at Western Washington University. They play an equally important part in ensuring that all suspected violations of academically honest behavior are properly investigated.
Reporting an Academic Honesty Violation Flowchart
Reporting an Academic Honesty Violation
Disclaimer: This overview of the Addressing Academic Honesty Violations Procedure is supplemental and not intended to conflict with the requirements of PRO – U2100.02A.
Reporting and Academic Honesty Violation Steps
Step | Entity | Task Description |
1 | Instructor | Contact student(s) (in person, or during an exploratory meeting, or through email (sample language) or other university-provided method) to inform the student(s) of the suspected violation, the student’s right to a meeting separate from initial contact to discuss the suspected violation, and the instructor’s responsibility to investigate. Contact must be initiated within ten (10) working days after discovering the suspected violation. *If student does not respond, attempt a second and different method of contact (e.g., Canvas, letter, phone). A student’s failure to respond does not halt the process and a violation form will be filed within 10 working days. **If faculty member is not the instructor of record, initial contact should be addressed from both instructors, and the instructor of record should be the one to carry forward the investigation. ***If instructor is unable to discuss suspected violation with student before submitting final grades, the instructor should submit a grade of “X.” Within twenty-five (25) working days of the start of the next quarter, the grade of X will be changed to an F or (“U” or “NP” as appropriate) unless the registrar’s office is notified of a different outcome. |
2 | Student | The student has a right to a meeting separate from initial contact with the instructor to address the allegation. *The request must be made within ten working days of the instructor’s initial contact. **The meeting must occur within seven working days of the student’s request. ***This meeting must be separate from an exploratory meeting if one is held. |
3 | Instructor | Determine whether an academic honesty violation occurred and decide appropriate and reasonable sanctions for the violation. *Determination should be made within ten working days of initial contact or within five working days of meeting with student, whichever is longer. |
4 | Instructor | If violation is determined to have occurred, email student (sample language) with summary of findings and sanctions (if imposed). Also include a link to the “Academic Honesty Appeal” form and the name and email address of the Department Chair to whom the appeal should be submitted. Copy email to Department Chair, Registrar’s Office, and the Provost’s Office. Also, submit “Academic Honesty Policy Violation” form to |
5 | Secretary to Academic Honesty Board | Forward “Academic Honesty Policy Violation” form to Registrar’s Office, College Dean’s Office, Department Chair’s office, and the student. |
6 | Registrar | Mail and email a letter to the student that contains a copy of the “Academic Honesty Policy Violation” form and notification to complete the Academic Integrity Workshop. Send electronic copy of letter to instructor, College Dean’s Office, Department Chair’s Office, and |
7 | Secretary to Academic Honesty Board | Maintain “Academic Honesty Policy Violation” form and update records regarding appeals and decisions. Lock “Academic Honesty Policy Violation” form once the process is complete. |
8 | Student | Complete Academic Integrity Workshop. |
A student violated the policy in my class but it was a minor violation. Do I have to report it?
Yes! If you took any punitive action you must report it. Reporting the incident does several things that support both you and the student. First, this allows us to determine when events are second offenses, for which the student must go before the Academic Honesty Board. Second, when you report the incident it sets into motion a formal process that also provides the student the opportunity for representation and appeal.
A student violated the policy in my class but I dealt with it on my own. Do I have to report it?
See above–yes, you must report the incident so that there is an official record of the event, and so the student has an opportunity for representation and appeal.
If I report a student for cheating will it go on their transcript or other permanent records?
No. This record stays with the student only during their WWU career so that we know if the student commits a second violation. There is no information put on the student’s transcript, or in any other context that would follow the student after graduation, except in special circumstances, including but not limited to subpoenas for full records or releases.
Who can I go to if I need more support?
Please feel free to contact members of the WCI for any questions you have regarding integrity and academic honesty. Other resources for faculty include the Registrar’s Office or the Office of the Provost.
What should I include in my correspondence with a student in the instance of a policy violation?
See the Sample Language page on this website!
Contact Information:
Contact Melinda Assink (x3480) for general questions about reporting or appealing an alleged Academic Honesty violation.